What would I do without you
My precious, furry friend?...
Part mischief, but all blessing,
And faithful to the end!
You look at me with eyes of love:
You never hold a grudge...
You think I'm far too wonderful
To criticize or judge.
It seems your greatest joy in life
Is being close to me...
I think God knew how comforting
Your warm, soft fur would be.
I know you think your human,
But I'm glad it isn't true...
The world would be a nicer place
If folks we're more like you!
A few short years is all we have:
One day we'll have to part...
But you my pet, will always have
A place within my heart.
- Hope Marrington Molb

Cash - 12 years old
He has had some seizures, but they seem to be under control with medication. Hopefully he will stick with us for awhile longer!
My precious, furry friend?...
Part mischief, but all blessing,
And faithful to the end!
You look at me with eyes of love:
You never hold a grudge...
You think I'm far too wonderful
To criticize or judge.
It seems your greatest joy in life
Is being close to me...
I think God knew how comforting
Your warm, soft fur would be.
I know you think your human,
But I'm glad it isn't true...
The world would be a nicer place
If folks we're more like you!
A few short years is all we have:
One day we'll have to part...
But you my pet, will always have
A place within my heart.
- Hope Marrington Molb

Cash - 12 years old
He has had some seizures, but they seem to be under control with medication. Hopefully he will stick with us for awhile longer!